PC Gameport

From HwB

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15 PIN D-SUB FEMALE at the computer.


15 PIN D-SUB MALE at the joystick cable.

Pin Name Dir Description
1 +5V Arrowr.png +5 VDC
2 /B1 Arrowl.png Button 1
3 X1 Arrowl.png Joystick 1 - X
4 GND Arrow.png Ground
5 GND Arrow.png Ground
6 Y1 Arrowl.png Joystick 1 - Y
7 /B2 Arrowl.png Button 2
8 +5V Arrowr.png +5 VDC
9 +5V Arrowr.png +5 VDC
10 /B4 Arrowl.png Button 4
11 X2 Arrowl.png Joystick 2 - X
12 GND Arrow.png Ground
13 Y2 Arrowl.png Joystick 2 - Y
14 /B3 Arrowl.png Button 3
15 +5V Arrowr.png +5 VDC


  • Direction is Computer relative Joystick.
  • Use 100kohm resistor.
